Source code for k8s.models.pod

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8

# Copyright 2017-2019 The FIAAS Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from .common import ObjectMeta, LocalObjectReference
from ..base import Model
from ..fields import Field, ListField, RequiredField

[docs] class ContainerPort(Model): name = Field(str) hostPort = Field(int) containerPort = Field(int) protocol = Field(str, "TCP")
[docs] class ObjectFieldSelector(Model): apiVersion = Field(str) fieldPath = RequiredField(str)
[docs] class ResourceFieldSelector(Model): containerName = Field(str) resource = RequiredField(str) divisor = Field(str)
[docs] class ConfigMapKeySelector(Model): name = Field(str) key = RequiredField(str)
[docs] class SecretKeySelector(Model): name = Field(str) key = RequiredField(str)
[docs] class EnvVarSource(Model): fieldRef = Field(ObjectFieldSelector) resourceFieldRef = Field(ResourceFieldSelector) configMapKeyRef = Field(ConfigMapKeySelector) secretKeyRef = Field(SecretKeySelector)
[docs] class SecretEnvSource(Model): name = Field(str) optional = Field(bool)
[docs] class ConfigMapEnvSource(Model): name = Field(str) optional = Field(bool)
[docs] class EnvFromSource(Model): configMapRef = Field(ConfigMapEnvSource) secretRef = Field(SecretEnvSource)
[docs] class EnvVar(Model): name = Field(str) value = Field(str) valueFrom = Field(EnvVarSource)
[docs] class ResourceRequirements(Model): limits = Field(dict) requests = Field(dict)
[docs] class VolumeMount(Model): name = Field(str) readOnly = Field(bool) mountPath = Field(str)
[docs] class HTTPHeader(Model): name = Field(str) value = Field(str)
[docs] class HTTPGetAction(Model): path = Field(str) port = Field(str, alt_type=int) scheme = Field(str, "HTTP") httpHeaders = ListField(HTTPHeader)
[docs] class TCPSocketAction(Model): port = Field(str, alt_type=int)
[docs] class ExecAction(Model): command = Field(list)
[docs] class Probe(Model): httpGet = Field(HTTPGetAction) tcpSocket = Field(TCPSocketAction) _exec = Field(ExecAction) initialDelaySeconds = Field(int, 5) timeoutSeconds = Field(int) successThreshold = Field(int) failureThreshold = Field(int) periodSeconds = Field(int)
[docs] class Handler(Model): httpGet = Field(HTTPGetAction) tcpSocket = Field(TCPSocketAction) _exec = Field(ExecAction)
[docs] class Lifecycle(Model): postStart = Field(Handler) preStop = Field(Handler)
[docs] class Container(Model): name = Field(str) image = Field(str) ports = ListField(ContainerPort) env = ListField(EnvVar) envFrom = ListField(EnvFromSource) resources = Field(ResourceRequirements) volumeMounts = ListField(VolumeMount) lifecycle = Field(Lifecycle) livenessProbe = Field(Probe) readinessProbe = Field(Probe) imagePullPolicy = Field(str, "IfNotPresent") command = ListField(str) args = ListField(str)
[docs] class SecretVolumeSource(Model): secretName = Field(str) optional = Field(bool) defaultMode = Field(int)
[docs] class KeyToPath(Model): key = RequiredField(str) path = RequiredField(str)
[docs] class ConfigMapVolumeSource(Model): name = Field(str) optional = Field(bool) defaultMode = Field(int)
[docs] class EmptyDirVolumeSource(Model): medium = Field(str)
[docs] class NFSVolumeSource(Model): path = Field(str) readOnly = Field(bool) server = Field(str)
[docs] class HostPathVolumeSource(Model): path = Field(str)
[docs] class GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource(Model): fsType = Field(str) partition = Field(int) pdName = Field(str) readOnly = Field(bool)
[docs] class AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource(Model): fsType = Field(str) partition = Field(int) readOnly = Field(bool) volumeID = Field(str)
[docs] class Volume(Model): name = Field(str) awsElasticBlockStore = Field(AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource) configMap = Field(ConfigMapVolumeSource) emptyDir = Field(EmptyDirVolumeSource) gcePersistentDisk = Field(GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource) hostPath = Field(HostPathVolumeSource) nfs = Field(NFSVolumeSource) secret = Field(SecretVolumeSource)
[docs] class PodSpec(Model): volumes = ListField(Volume) containers = ListField(Container) restartPolicy = Field(str, "Always") terminationGracePeriodSeconds = Field(int) activeDeadlineSeconds = Field(int) dnsPolicy = Field(str, "ClusterFirst") nodeName = Field(str) nodeSelector = Field(dict) selector = Field(dict) serviceAccountName = Field(str, "default") automountServiceAccountToken = Field(bool) imagePullSecrets = ListField(LocalObjectReference) initContainers = ListField(Container) enableServiceLinks = Field(bool)
[docs] class PodTemplateSpec(Model): metadata = Field(ObjectMeta) spec = Field(PodSpec)
[docs] class Pod(Model): class Meta: list_url = "/api/v1/pods" url_template = "/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}" metadata = Field(ObjectMeta) spec = Field(PodSpec)