Source code for k8s.models.apiextensions_v1_custom_resource_definition

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8

# Copyright 2017-2019 The FIAAS Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime

from .common import ObjectMeta
from ..base import Model, SelfModel
from ..fields import Field, ListField, JSONField

[docs] class ExternalDocumentation(Model): description = Field(str) url = Field(str)
[docs] class JSONSchemaProps(Model): ref = Field(str, name='$ref') schema = Field(str, name='$schema') additionalItems = Field(SelfModel, alt_type=bool) additionalProperties = Field(SelfModel, alt_type=bool) allOf = ListField(SelfModel) anyOf = ListField(SelfModel) default = JSONField() definitions = Field(dict) dependencies = Field(dict) description = Field(str) enum = JSONField() example = JSONField() exclusiveMaximum = Field(bool) exclusiveMinimum = Field(bool) externalDocs = Field(ExternalDocumentation) format = Field(str) id = Field(str) items = Field(SelfModel, alt_type=list) maxItems = Field(int) maxLength = Field(int) maxProperties = Field(int) maximum = Field(int, alt_type=float) minItems = Field(int) minLength = Field(int) minProperties = Field(int) minimum = Field(int, alt_type=float) multipleOf = Field(int, alt_type=float) _not = Field(SelfModel) nullable = Field(bool) oneOf = ListField(SelfModel) pattern = Field(str) patternProperties = Field(dict) properties = Field(dict) required = ListField(str) title = Field(str) type = Field(str) uniqueItems = Field(bool) x_kubernetes_embedded_resource = Field(bool, name='x-kubernetes-embedded-resource') x_kubernetes_int_or_string = Field(bool, name='x-kubernetes-int-or-string') x_kubernetes_list_map_keys = ListField(str, name='x-kubernetes-list-map-keys') x_kubernetes_list_type = Field(str, name="x-kubernetes-list-type") x_kubernetes_map_type = Field(str, name='x-kubernetes-map-type') x_kubernetes_preserve_unknown_fields = Field(bool, name="x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields")
[docs] class JSONSchemaPropsStatusEnabled(Model): ref = Field(str, name='$ref') schema = Field(str, name='$schema') description = Field(str) example = JSONField() exclusiveMaximum = Field(bool) exclusiveMinimum = Field(bool) externalDocs = Field(ExternalDocumentation) format = Field(str) items = Field(SelfModel, alt_type=list) maxItems = Field(int) maxLength = Field(int) maximum = Field(int, alt_type=float) minItems = Field(int) minLength = Field(int) minimum = Field(int, alt_type=float) multipleOf = Field(int, alt_type=float) pattern = Field(str) properties = Field(dict) required = ListField(str) title = Field(str) type = Field(str)
[docs] class ServiceReference(Model): name = Field(str) namespace = Field(str) path = Field(str) port = Field(int)
[docs] class WebhookClientConfig(Model): caBundle = Field(str) service = Field(ServiceReference) url = Field(str)
[docs] class WebhookConversion(Model): clientConfig = Field(WebhookClientConfig) conversionReviewVersions = ListField(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceColumnDefinition(Model): description = Field(str) format = Field(str) jsonPath = Field(str) name = Field(str) priority = Field(int) type = Field(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceConversion(Model): strategy = Field(str) webhook = Field(WebhookConversion)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinitionNames(Model): categories = ListField(str) kind = Field(str) listKind = Field(str) plural = Field(str) shortNames = ListField(str) singular = Field(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceValidation(Model): openAPIV3Schema = Field(JSONSchemaProps, alt_type=JSONSchemaPropsStatusEnabled)
[docs] class CustomResourceSubresourceScale(Model): labelSelectorPath = Field(str) specReplicasPath = Field(str) statusReplicasPath = Field(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceSubresourceStatusEnabled(Model):
[docs] def as_dict(self): return {}
[docs] class CustomResourceSubresourceStatusDisabled(Model): pass
[docs] class CustomResourceSubresources(Model): scale = Field(CustomResourceSubresourceScale) status = Field(CustomResourceSubresourceStatusDisabled, alt_type=CustomResourceSubresourceStatusEnabled)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinitionVersion(Model): additionalPrinterColumns = ListField(CustomResourceColumnDefinition) deprecated = Field(bool) deprecationWarning = Field(str) name = Field(str) schema = Field(CustomResourceValidation) served = Field(bool) storage = Field(bool) subresources = Field(CustomResourceSubresources)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinitionSpec(Model): conversion = Field(CustomResourceConversion) group = Field(str) names = Field(CustomResourceDefinitionNames) preserveUnknownFields = Field(bool) scope = Field(str) versions = ListField(CustomResourceDefinitionVersion)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinitionCondition(Model): lastTransitionTime = Field(datetime.datetime) message = Field(str) reason = Field(str) status = Field(str) type = Field(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinitionStatus(Model): acceptedNames = Field(CustomResourceDefinitionNames) conditions = ListField(CustomResourceDefinitionCondition) storedVersions = ListField(str)
[docs] class CustomResourceDefinition(Model): class Meta: url_template = "/apis/{name}" list_url = "/apis/" watch_list_url = "/apis/" metadata = Field(ObjectMeta) spec = Field(CustomResourceDefinitionSpec) status = Field(CustomResourceDefinitionStatus)